TriplesMar2010 Solo Ladder to 14/03/2010

Rank Player Team Average Score Average Rank Tag Ratio Score Ratio Games
1 BOOTZA DECEPTICONS 14503 2.5 205% 160% 6
2 Ibo DECEPTICONS 13949 3.4 149% 153% 5
3 ROBO GAY EXPRESSIONS 13390 3.3 157% 146% 6
4 beefy CAN COUNT 11562 5.8 124% 125% 6
5 PancakeSuprise GAY EXPRESSIONS 10586 7.8 74% 116% 6
6 STORM Q BALL 10235 8.0 105% 107% 4
7 BLACKPANTHER TEAM I CHOOSE 9891 7.7 97% 113% 6
8 CYRUS PLAN B 9346 8.5 87% 103% 6
9 MEZZA CAN COUNT 8864 9.5 77% 95% 6
10 Waffles PLAN B 8860 8.8 85% 102% 5
11 wild PLAN B 8601 10.0 68% 95% 6
12 chilly TEAM I CHOOSE 8334 9.3 93% 95% 6
13 DARKNESS TEAM I CHOOSE 7902 10.5 87% 90% 6
14 HITMAN Q BALL 5796 12.7 65% 63% 6
15 JOKER-JETT VIGILANTES 4587 13.8 70% 52% 5
16 Qball Q BALL 4432 14.7 19% 48% 6
17 Zeus VIGILANTES 2708 16.0 64% 31% 5
18 MINI_ME VIGILANTES 2238 15.8 45% 25% 4

This report ranks individual players. Tag Ratio is the number of people you shot divided by the number of people that shot you. Score ratio is your score in each game divided by the average score for that game. Players are ranked on their average score. Only the top 50 players are shown.

TriplesMar2010 Games for 14/03/2010

Team 4:51 PM 5:12 PM 5:36 PM 6:06 PM 6:31 PM 7:01 PM 7:18 PM
DECEPTICONS 44969 44599 40889 39289 44069 42359
GAY EXPRESSIONS 37769 35978 29446 24956 33689 32277
TEAM I CHOOSE 33648 36039 17693 24647 21495 23235
Q BALL 14354 20955 12143 29848 21906 17074
PLAN B 38319 25306 20995 32128 27298 16864
CAN COUNT 26246 13743 23225 18584 26826 13932
VIGILANTES 9223 7782 11283 10223 11251

The Ascension shows one game in each column. Teams are shown in the order they were eliminated, with the team(s) that survived the longest on top.